Company Profile

It is important to have your Company Profile organised & complete on AviMall!

Company Profile Information

Your company’s main address, contact information and social network accounts show in all search results, such as Empty Legs, Aircraft or Helicopter search results. This means this information is visible to any AviMall member! So, it’s always preferred to keep it up to date, as this helps you establish credibility, and if your company has more than one address, all addresses can be added to your Company Profile as well!

Company E-Mail

Any email address added as “Notification Target” is considered the notification email of this account; this means all email notifications will be sent to this email! You may add more than one email.

Additionally, the Company Profile allows you to customize the texts of the automated emails, when a new charter request or response is sent or received.


Also, there are two sections on this page aimed for summaries. The background information of your company can be included in these sections: the year it was founded, location and the summary of the service you provide. Some companies also consider it a must to include personal philosophy of service delivery that shows how they care about each and every customer. Be sure to include any achievements and accolades of quality as well! AviMall’s Company Profile goes further than just including basic information, it allows you to clearly and confidently highlight the strengths of your company!

The next section displays the list of all active users, including their emails.

Fleet Status

The final paragraph summarizes your fleet status and the expiry date of each aircraft profile, whether it’s a Private Jet, Commercial Aircraft, Freighter, Air Ambulance or Helicopter, this list assists you in keeping your aircraft and helicopter profiles up-to-date and active!

Stay Up-To-Date

It’s always preferred to keep the Company & Aircraft documents, such as the Aircraft Operator Certificate (for Aircraft Operators, Exclusive marketing Agents & or Aircraft Owners) up to date, as without these documents you won’t profit from what AviMall has got to offer in promoting your fleet.

Most importantly, don’t forget to upload your logo, as it’s your company’s identity!

Videos with the new layout will be available soon.

, Wallisellenstrasse 391, 8050 Zurich, Switzerland,, + 41 44 320 02 30, + 41 44 320 02 31, AviMall is an online platform offering a free charter marketplace to assure both Air Operators and Charter Brokers a significant reduction in marketing cost. is member of: , , , , , .