Air Operators on AviMall
AviMall is a professional platform that is developed to assist aircraft operators increase their charter sales through promoting their fleet, charter availability and empty sectors.
Air Operators, Exclusive Marketing Agents & Aircraft Owners
Members can use AviMall’s most advanced aircraft search engine to find the ideal aircraft whenever needed.
Promote Your Fleet & Empty Leg Flights
Promote your fleet’s availability and empty legs in real time to charter brokers and other operators on AviMall. Furthermore, any empty leg flights posted on AviMall is searchable by VIP Travelers on FlyPriva.
Aircraft, Helicopter & Empty Leg Search
Search for a fixed-wing aircraft with the Aircraft Search, Empty Leg Search or Helicopter Search with next to no effort at all on AviMall. With some effort you can use the advanced search to zero-in on that ideal private jet for charter you are searching for.
Fleet & Helicopter Manager
Promoting your fleet on a charter marketplace has never been easier! With the Fleet Manager and the Helicopter Manager you will be able to ensure visibility to your entire fleet.
Pricing Manager
Build a comprehensive pricing profile for each aircraft to show accurate quotations. AviMall does not charge any commissions, so the prices are based solely on the pricing profile set in the Pricing Manager from your account.
Fleet Scheduler
Make sure you never miss a maintenance by scheduling it into AviMall’s Fleet Scheduler with few clicks. Upon request, AviMall also offers an API to automatically sync your fleet’s schedule and empty leg into the AviMall database.
Charter Flight Requests
Seamlessly manage all your requests in one location for requests from Brokers and Operators with Requests and another location for requests from VIPs with VIP Travelers Requests on AviMall. You can always reply from your email to any received request, but you can easily keep track of all requests if replied and followed up through the system.
User Manager
Instead of having multiple accounts with no overview, AviMall gives you the opportunity of creating multiple users, with different access levels, under one account to make everything easier. With the User Manager you can set roles for each user, whether they are allowed to create new users, handle requests, search for aircraft or not.
More Business
Register now and generate more business with AviMall. No matter what kind of air operator you are; Air Taxi, Air Ambulance, Freighter or Charter Company, AviMall is your optimal air charter sales channel that helps you boost your business through professional Air Charter Brokers from all over the world.

AviMall GmbH , Wallisellenstrasse 391, 8050 Zurich, Switzerland,, + 41 44 320 02 30, + 41 44 320 02 31, AviMall is an online platform offering a free charter marketplace to assure both Air Operators and Charter Brokers a significant reduction in marketing cost. is member of: AeroSuisse , EBAA , NBAA , CBAA , MEBAA , AfBAA .